New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie Visit Worcester, Massachusetts

March 26, 1913

As reported in The Evening Gazette (Worcester), Tuesday, March 25, 1913:


  Andrew Carnegie, accompanied by Mrs Carnegie, will be in Worcester tomorrow afternoon to lay the cornerstone[s] of the three branch libraries which are being built in this city out of the Carnegie library fund.

  He will arrive in Worcester at 2:12 o’clock in a special car and plans to leave at 5:02. He will be met at Union station by a committee, consisting of Mayor George W. Wright, ex-Mayor James Logan, Walter S. Doane, president of the Board of Aldermen, Charles A. Harrington, president of the Common Council, Librarian Robert K. Shaw and Librarian Emeritus Samuel S. Green.

  Mrs Carnegie is to be entertained by a committee made up of Mrs George M. Wright, Mrs James Logan, Mrs [R]obert K. Shaw and Miss Ellen W. Coombs.

  The committee to meet Mr Carnegie plans to go with him first to the Southbridge branch, then to Quinsigamond and then to Greendale and it is expected short addresses will be made at each place by Mayor Wright and Mr Carnegie. If the tour is finished in time, Mr Carnegie will be entertained at the Worcester Club.


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