New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Granby Public Library

Granby, Massachusetts

Architect unknown

 Colonial Revival Style

Library Lane, Granby MA  01033-9416

Library web site:

A Brief History of the Building

1916:  Andrew Carnegie gave $5,000 to the town to build the library.

2007:  The library celebrated its 90th anniversary on December 1st, complete with an Andrew Carnegie interpreter and a time capsule burying. 

2008:  This library was awarded a construction grant of $988,483 from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.  The hope is to build a combined public and school library as part of an educational complex that would include an elementary, middle and high school on a single campus.  The complex would not be located on the current library property.

Some information provided by Virginia Snopek, Chair, Granby Board of Library Trustees.

2005 photo