New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Hudson Public Library

Hudson, Massachusetts 

Designed by Albert Randolph Ross of New York City.

Carnegie Classical Revival Style

3 Washington Street at Wood Square, Hudson MA  01749-2499

Library web site:

A Brief History of the Building

1903:  Andrew Carnegie gave $12,500 to the town to build the library.

1905:  The library opened on November 16.

1932:  A second story was added at a cost of $15,000.

1966:  A two-story addition was put on the rear of the building.

2002:  The newly renovated and expanded Children's Room opened.

2005:  The building's 100th anniversary was celebrated.

Information and the second postcard were supplied by the Hudson Public Library.

2005 photo

Another Old Postcard